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Information Sharing

  • This past summer were extremely fruitful! We are ready for the new semester and dedicating to serving our Netspring students and teachers. 
    We thank you for all your great support, wish you all a great mid-autumn festival and look forward to the upcoming events in the coming months!
  • As another school year is nearing its end, Netspring teams are happy to share a sample of their most recent work. With the support of our supporters such as Arkema and PVH, we were able to open new Green IT Classrooms as well as in hold volunteering activities in our supported schools. Furthermore, Netspring was invited to share insights on Tech4Good at a Sino-German Symposium.

    Founded in 2020, the China Network Baden-Württemberg (CNBW) provides a platform for all interested parties from industry, administration, science and research etc., to promote intensive exchange and discussions. The CNBW Sino-German Working Group Take-off Event took place in May which offered diverse perspectives in the context of responsible business and discuss how corporate responsibilities can be deployed in China. Three speakers from science and business fields shared their theoretical and practical insights on this theme, including Netspring who shared its views on Tech4Good and impact on our communities.

  • To further improve its supported Lvfeng School in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province, Arkema helped build a second Green IT Classroom and equipped it with 50 refurbished computers. This will provide students with better learning conditions and opportunities. On the occasion of May 22 International Biodiversity Day, the opening ceremony of the new Green IT Classroom and yearly volunteering activity took place on May 21, 2021.

    This April, the first Sparx* Green IT Class was inaugurated in a Boarding Center near Ho Chi Minh City, which is a second home to underprivileged students, who cannot attend primary or secondary schools in their home villages. Many of them come from minorities in the mountainous provinces and are thus offered the possibility to be educated in the city.



  • On April 22, 2021, on the occasion of Earth Day, the annual e-waste recycling drive co-organized by AmCham Shanghai and Netspring Green IT Programs was successfully held. More than forty companies and individuals participated in the event, showing their enthusiasm for environment-friendly disposal of e-waste and the promotion of digital inclusion.

  • After establishing their first Green IT Classroom in Chengdu and supported underprivileged students for quality education in 2019, on March 17th, 2021, Virtuos provided more than 1100 books to the same school, and greatly enriched the content of the school library.
    As complementary learning media, both computers and books can bring students profound insights into society. Virtuos expressed their hopes that students can make good use of these books to learn new knowledge and eliminate the information gap.
  • In order to promote digital inclusion in underprivileged areas and communities, PwC launched the “PwC Green IT Classroom” project in 2015 and established two Green IT Classrooms in Nanchong, Sichuan. Together with Netspring, PwC helped to promote digital literacy and Internet access among underprivileged students, greatly bridging the digital divide.
