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June 27 Scratch® pilot class launched in Taicang

An engineer from Argentina, Rodolfo Cossovich, collaborated with Netspring to launch a pilot class of teaching pupils to use Scratch® coding software in a migrant school in Taicang. The teaching program lasted for 3 days in Sangang Elementary School, Taicang. . Over 10 students from Grade 4 and Grade 5 in the school joined in the program and learnt to create basic computer games built on stories and animations they had designed themselves using the software. The experience proved to be invaluable in terms of teaching and learning during this pilot program and has better prepared Netspring with the planning of its nationwide Scratch coding contest to be launched across the schools in which it had Green IT classrooms in October this year.

Scratch® is a easy to use programming software developed by MIT. Under guidance, a 6-year-old kid could use this software to do simple coding to create a computer game. It does not require kids to know about specific languages, the modular functions available are focused on drawing, recording, pictures and so on. There is a popular global trend in the world of IT teaching to rethink how we interact with technology in the modern era, with a shift from how to use it towards how to create it. It is believed that the  skills gained from coding software like Scratch benefits users in terms of creative thinking and problem solving. Therefore the value of teaching children and students how to use this software to master programming skills is of great importance to the personal development of young people.

Previously, Netspring has already started to develop some games on Scratch® for students to study (See links: In the coming semesters, we will develop a contest for Scratch® programming by inviting schools and students to use Scratch® in our IT classrooms to program on different themes, and thus to improve students’ analytical and practical skills.


To appreciate students work pieces:
