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Aug./Sept. 2019: A Busy Joyful Back to School with Netspring Tech4Good – Sincere Appreciation to All Teachers and Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Netspring Children enjoying their time with Owens Corning Senior Management !
“We are so glad to pay a visit to one of our supported migrant school’s Green IT Classroom and having brought digital learning opportunities to the students. We are so happy to receive the greeting cards and paintings prepared by the students and see how they are eager to always learn more knowledge.”
Netspring children were happy to greet and welcome Brian Chambers, CEO of Owens Corning on his visit to one of Owens Corning Green IT classrooms.
The school and students are grateful to Owens Corning not only for their strong support in e-education, but also the unforgettable warm experience and meaningful interaction they brought to the school.
We thank Owens Corning team’s great contribution and enthusiastic help to migrant communities despite the long travelling and very hot weather!

During our revisits in Netspring schools, all teachers were thankful to our partners and Netspring.
“The Green IT Classrooms are a great help to schools. For example, last semester, with the help of the Green IT Classes, Grade 9 students can use the man-machine dialogue software to practice spoken English freely. Their language proficiency is improved greatly improved”.
Meanwhile, the computers also facilitate teachers’ daily administration. “Everyday after 4pm, teachers can gather in our Green IT Classrooms and use the computers to hand out notification and assignments to parents via internet”. With teachers’ hard working combined with the support of technology, the students make rapid progress in our schools.

- The 2019 Franco-Chinese Month of the Environment will be held from Sept. 22rd till November 6th, 2019. Join a Netspring workshop in a migrant school around Shanghai, Beijing or Chengdu. More details soon available!
- Reminder: Join the AmCham Shanghai Suzhou Center 2019 E-waste Recycle Drive, Sept. 18th, 2019:AmCham Shanghai Suzhou Center, in collaboration with Netspring Social Enterprise, cordially invites you to join its 2019 E-waste Recycle Drive for used electronic items on September 18th (Wed.), 2019 between 13:00–16:30. Any members and non-members are welcome to participate. Please join us! For more detail information, please call us at +86 21 6510 9063 or email us

Think and Act Green Anytime
Do you have old computers or unwanted e-waste of all sorts*?
Don't simply discard them!
With Netspring, you can make them at good use for underprivileged schools in China and help protecting the environment and reduce the carbon footprint.
Wish to know more, support or learn about volunteering opportunities?
please contact us
Phone: +86 (21) 6510 9063
* except mercury-containing fluorescent tube