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June 17 Amcham Donation Drive

Netspring went to Yioulai Shopping Street in Suzhou for a 2-day donation drive activity open to Amcham members in Suzhou area. This joint activity has been held for several years between Netspring and Amcham. The used or spare electronic goods donated by Amcham members such as computers, projectors, and screens have been put into use in dozens of green IT classrooms across China. Following the success of 2015 drive, AmCham and Netspring decided to open more dropping points and to run the drive on 2 days instead of one.

In the previous three years collaborating with AmCham, Netspring has received over 1235 used computers, refurbished 827 sets of computers, and supported 30 schools and community centers by setting up Green IT Classrooms for about 13694 underprivileged students. In addition, the e-waste has been properly handled and recycled in an eco-friendly manner to prevent any harm to the environment.

