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Sept. 2019: Circular Economy celebrated at the 6th Franco-Chinese Month of the Environment: Join a Netspring Green IT Workshop in October

Organized by the French Embassy Institut Français, the 2019 Franco-Chinese Month of the Environment takes place from Sept. 22nd, 2019 to Nov. 6th, 2019 with the theme of “Green Economy”. An array of events will showcase how it is possible to achieve a balance between economy and ecology, and provide an opportunity to exchange on alternatives to the linear production and consumption models, such as the Circular Economy.
Aiming to “transform e-waste into e-education”, Netspring is honored to be part of this meaningful event. We welcome you to join a workshop in one of our Green IT Classroom , in a migrant primary school around Shanghai, Beijing or Chengdu and teach and interact with our students.
Netspring Workshop Location 汇益泽绿色电脑教室(将电子废旧物转化为电子教育)工作坊地点:上海、北京、成都
Date & Pick up Time (Prior booking mandatory) 日期及交通安排(请务必提前注册确认)
1/ Shanghai 上海, Around Shanghai (Taicang) Migrant School 上海周边(太仓)的随迁子女学校
Oct. 11th, 2019 (Friday) 2019年10月11日(周五)
Activity time 活动时间: 10:00 am - 11:30am 上午10点至11点30分
Pick up can be arranged at 8:30 am, Gate 7 at Shanghai Exhibition Center, 1333 Nanjing Xi Road
2/ Beijing 北京, Around Beijing Migrant School 北京周边的随迁子女学校
Oct. 22nd, 2019 (Tuesday) 2019年10月22日(周二)
Activity time 活动时间: 12:50 - 14:20 下午12点50分至2点20分
Pick up can be arranged at 11:50am, Beijing Nanyin Mansion (Chaoyang District No. 2 East Third Ring North Road Around Sanyuanqiao Metro Station)
3/ Chengdu 成都, Around Chengdu Migrant School 成都周边的随迁子女学校
Oct. 25th, 2019 (Friday) 2019年10月25日(周五)
Activity time 活动时间: 09:45 - 12:15 上午9点45分至12点15分
Pick up can be arranged at 08:45 am, around Wenshuyuan Station
Due to seats limitation, advance and confirmed registration is required.
To book a seat, please email us: For more information, please call 021-6510 9063.
由于席位有限,必须收到确认才可参加。请邮件至 报名参加。
欲了解更多信息,敬请致电021-6510 9063。
For more details, please click the event link in French or in Chinese.
Brochure is also available, please click here.

Think and Act Green Anytime
Do you have old computers or unwanted e-waste of all sorts*?
Don't simply discard them!
With Netspring, you can make them at good use for underprivileged schools in China and help protecting the environment and reduce the carbon footprint.
Wish to know more, support or learn about volunteering opportunities?
please contact us
Phone: +86 (21) 6510 9063
* except mercury-containing fluorescent tube