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Information Sharing

  • Happy Mid-Autumn festival & Stay Tuned on Activities for the Franco-Chinese Environmental Month
    Netspring teams would like to express their sincere appreciation to all teachers who devote themselves to education and enlighten our underprivileged children education.

    During our revisits in Netspring schools, all teachers were thankful to our partners and Netspring.

    “The Green IT Classrooms are a great help to schools. For example, last semester, with the help of the Green IT Classes, Grade 9 students can use the man-machine dialogue software to practice spoken English freely. Their language proficiency is improved greatly improved”.

  • Circular Economy celebrated at the 6th Franco-Chinese Month of the Environment: Join a Netspring Green IT Workshop in October
    第六届中法环境月隆重开幕,力推“循环经济”- 诚邀您参加10月汇益泽绿色电脑教室工作坊
  • Netspring Actively Participated in the 10th L’Oréal China Citizen Day!

    Special thanks to L’Oréal China and Lancôme China for their contribution of obsolete electronic equipment during its 10th L’Oréal Citizen Day on June 20 & 21st, 2019.

    This greatly supported Netspring teams in their mission to “Transform e-waste into e-education”, which will create further impact as a meaningful Tech4Good player and help preserve our environment from unwanted electronic waste pollution.

  • Save the Date: AmCham Shanghai Suzhou Center 2019 E-waste Recycle Drive, Sept. 18th, 2019

  • Celebrating Earth Day : With your support, Netspring has saved 400 million Tons of industrial water for our Planet

    “Going Green The Right Way” with AmCham Shanghai

    US Notre Dame University MBA students coming back to visit Netspring in China
    "I would like to THANK YOU (Netspring team) so much for your organizing this meaningful event, the students loved to contribute their insights to help visually impaired program further development in China, it is an unforgettable experience.”
  • Discover the Power of Computer Science: PVH opened its first Green IT Classroom in China

    The school made me memorized my childhood, it looked familiar to me. With the opening of our Green IT classroom, we would like our migrant students to discover the power of computer science in the information era, it makes our world without boundary, brings us to anywhere in the world in less than one second and make learning easier. We encourage our students to give back to our society and country to show “WE Care” when you grow up.”

  • Give a second life to your obsolete computers!

    We wish to thank all our partners who supported Netspring program by entrusting us with their obsolete computers to re-use or dismantle and supported the concept of “circular economy”.

    More specifically we would like to thank L’Oreal, Altavia, Freudenberg, Stepping Stones and all companies which supported us.

  • Happy Year of the Pig ! Let’s Enlighten Netspring Children’s Future !

    As the New Lunar Year is just around the corner, we wish you happiness and success for the New Year of the Pig!

  • Season’s Greetings and Thank You for Supporting Netspring Children!

    2018 has been a very busy year for Netspring team.

    On top of running our Green IT classrooms, visiting our schools and students, enhancing our teaching and volunteering programs, we have also launched the Netspring Green 3R Box to collect obsolete electronics as well as pursued our journey in fostering digital inclusion for the Visually Impaired.
